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Hi, I’m Giselle!

I am a Game Designer and a Storyteller! I have 5+ years of experience designing levels and writing stories for games. I’m currently looking for new opportunities.

I believe that game design and narrative go hand in hand. The game’s feel and mechanics, what the player can do and see all contribute to a story’s worldbuilding. I enjoy tinkering with the rules to a world, along with filling it with the characters that let that world breathe and feel real.

My favorite genres to write are fantasy, mystery, and romance. I enjoy writing flawed characters who have human struggles, even if the world they live in is otherworldly.

I am an advocate for diversity and representation in games. I believe that it is important to see yourself in games and to be the one to tell your own story.

Speaking Appearances:

Unidos Online 2020: Afro-Latinx in Gaming Roundtable