Screenplay Samples


Ice Cream and a Funeral

A family travels to Puerto Rico for a funeral. The youngest attendees get a tour of San Sebastian, the neighborhood where their mother grew up. (5 pages)

Genres: Slice of Life, Family, Latinidad

Marked Excerpt

A bounty hunter hiding a deep secret is challenged to a duel by a sword fighting prodigy intent on revealing her secrets. (7 pages)

Genres: Fantasy, Action, Adventure

Argument Sample

A romantic couple gets into an argument about a prestigious job that’s not going as planned. (3 pages)

Genres: Slice of Life, College, Romance


Marked is a story I created as a response to a narrative design exercise: choose an existing game, take out its story, and create a new one using the mechanics of the game. I chose Supergiant Games’ Transistor.

Marked takes place in a theocratic society where people with superpowers are hunted by the government. The main character, Samara, is a bounty hunter with a license to kill. However, she soon realizes that she has powers of her own: she has the ability to absorb the powers of the people that she has killed.

